Chelsea Editions e la poesia di Alfredo de Palchi
Segnaliamo due libri di Chelsea Editions dedicati alla poesia di Alfredo de Palchi —————————————————————————–
CHELSEA EDITIONS presents a two volumes set:
Alfredo de Palchi – Paradigm New and Selected Poems 1947–2009
In the landscape that consists of American poetry and the foreign verse available in translation, the originality and independence of Alfredo de Palchi have long been conspicuous. As an Italian poet who has lived in the United States for more than fifty years, who continues to write exclusively in Italian, yet whose work has been extensively translated ever since Sessions with My Analyst (1970) and especially e Scorpion’s Dark Dance (1993), Anonymous Constellation (1997), and Addictive Aversions (1999), de Palchi stands out because of his terse, tense verse wrought out of syntactic boldness, semantic leaps, unsentimental self-scrutiny, and tonalities ranging from sarcasm to erotic glorification. His subject matter draws on his own experiences, especially in his early poems that evoke his impoverished, fatherless childhood, his suff ering during the Second World War, and his unjust postwar incarceration. In his later verse, he leaves this grim war-time past behind, scrutinizes man-woman relationships, exalts sexual pleasure, and turns toward science, notably biology and geology. e at once precise and idiosyncratic way that science is brought to bear on his dark view of human behavior and, more generally, of the human condition, alone distinguishes him from most contemporary poets in the United States and Europe. — from John Taylor’s Introduction Alfredo de Palchi’s energetic lyrical abilities infuse the whole of Paradigm, and his poems, gritty and sensuous at the same time, display themselves as successfully in English as in the original Italian. Here we find an encompassing emotion “accelerating thought” and revealing a voice that is singular, unique. He sees the world closely with genuine purpose—no posturing here—with a style and engagement that prove him to be what we fi nd so seldom today: a poet whose mastery derives from the power and intelligence of his individuality. Rich and complex, de Palchi’s poems are an effortless balance of varied forces: an expression of a superior imagination that constantly surprises. — Timothy Houghton
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